Sustainable fashion focuses on clothing that’s designed, manufactured, distributed, and used in ways that are environmentally friendly.  Lowering CO2 emissions, dealing with overproduction, cutting waste and pollution, promoting biodiversity, and making sure that garment workers are paid fairly and have safe working conditions are all essential to the sustainability matrix.

Here are some ways to support sustainable fashion:

Buy Less

One of the best ways to protect the environment is to purchase fewer, higher-quality garments. Not only does it conserve the resources needed to make new garments, but it also reduces the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills.

Shop your own wardrobe

Consider how you can make what you already own look brand-new rather than purchasing entirely new items every season. Look at the accessories you haven’t worn in a while that you could add to a current ensemble to make it more interesting. Combine elements to create new looks. Have fun and use your imagination!

Shop second-hand

Across the world, there are second-hand stores. Additionally, a lot of websites and apps provide a variety of second-hand clothing options, from the cheapest to brand-name garments. Buying pre-loved items will increase the longevity of these clothes and lessen the environmental effect of your closet.

Buy Higher Quality

Even if it costs a bit more, investing in higher-quality, more durable clothes that you can see yourself wearing often over the years can also be beneficial because it will likely stay in your closet for longer.

Buy Natural Fabrics

Purchasing natural fibres is better for the environment as well as for you because synthetic fibres can itch and make you perspire more. Two examples of natural fibres that make excellent fabrics and clothing include cotton and bamboo.

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