Relationship red flags are warning indications that your partner and you may have unhealthy patterns of conduct.

It’s common knowledge that we should avoid people who show red flags in relationships, but what specific warning signs should we be looking out for?

You might not be aware of the warning signs whether you’re dating someone new, have a long-term partner or are even married. Let’s look at some typical warning signs that can appear in every relationship. You can stop toxicity before too much harm is done by understanding what they look like and why they are dangerous.

Constant lying

It’s not a good indicator if you have to catch your partner lying all the time. We’re all guilty of white lies, but if you discover that your partner is lying frequently or getting caught, it’s a warning sign.

Being lied to repeatedly might make it challenging to establish a strong foundation for the relationship or tear one apart that you’ve already established, which can result in a shaky future.

Controlling Behaviour

If your spouse is envious, this could result in controlling behaviour. For instance, if you have a social life outside of your partnership, they can become envious. A jealous partner may also try to regulate your behaviour by making a lot of calls or texts to you.

Attempts to control normally begin gently but soon get more intense, leaving the person feeling as though nothing they do is “good enough.”

Lack of communication

In a healthy relationship, both partners can express their emotions freely without worrying about being judged or criticised.

A partner who resorts to blame-laying, passive aggression, or hostile emotional expression is engaging in poor communication. Since healthy, open communication is the cornerstone of a successful relationship, issues will arise if you and your partner are unable to do so.

Physical, emotional, or mental abuse

In any relationship, signs of abuse—physical, emotional, and mental—are obvious. It’s simpler to start practising physical abuse. However, long-term harm from emotional and psychological abuse can be just as bad. PTSD can also result from emotional and mental trauma, much like physical violence.


A blatant red flag in any relationship is gaslighting. A typical form of manipulation is gaslighting. It is a deceptive sort of emotional abuse when the manipulator makes you doubt your judgement or sanity. Gaslighting victims are made to feel guilty even if they didn’t do anything wrong.

Anger issues

If someone close to you struggles with controlling their anger, confrontation may make you feel intimidated or dangerous. Lack of emotional control is a major relationship red sign.

With a companion or partner, we should all feel secure enough to discuss challenging topics without worrying about our safety. Anyone who intimidates others out of rage is acting in a destructive way.


A psychiatric disorder called narcissistic personality disorder shows a false sense of importance and self-obsession. Narcissists think that they are the centre of the universe. And if someone challenges this conviction, unrest and chaos frequently follow.

It can be draining and upsetting to become emotionally linked with a narcissistic, ego-driven person. Their requirements will always be given precedence over yours.

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